Tuesday, September 21, 2010

deSigN #141 'MotHeRs dReAm' ACEO SOLD

A geNtle touch a soft wHispeR rests witHiN my soul
I cherish tiMes oNce speNt aNd meMoRies that I will forever hold
I take fRoM the past the love that was shown to me
aNd pray that every step I make will be instilled aNd fall upon your wiNgs
aNd hope you will begin to see how precious you aRe to me
Every petal on every flower, every glow of dRagoNfly wiNgs
every Dew Drop that glistens in the early moRniNg sun
my love for you will always be seen
For every woRd I write aNd every soNg I siNg,
I pray that you will fiNd my love brush against your cheek
in a sweet summer breeze, every sparkle across a snow covered peak
I will always be there to show you how much you mean to me
A moonshine away wHeN you have fallen fast asleep
aNd dReAm of flyiNg on Butterfly wiNgs
I will always be there to love you to show you within a MotHeRs dReAm

Poetic GaRdeNs 'ooak' Limited Addition
ACEO aRtistRy Collectors CaRd
2.5 x 3.5 in size that fits in the palm of your haNd
aNd goes with the 'ooak' 8x8 Scrapbook aRt WoRk deSigN #140
'2010 copyrights of poeticgarden.com

eBay Item #300471215794

Monday, September 20, 2010

deSigN #140 'A MotHeRs dReAm' SOLD

A geNtle touch a soft wHispeR rests witHiN my soul
I cherish tiMes oNce speNt aNd meMoRies that I will forever hold
I take fRoM the past the love that was shown to me
aNd pray that every step I make will be instilled aNd fall upon your wiNgs
aNd hope you will begin to see how precious you aRe to me
Every petal on every flower, every glow of dRagoNfly wiNgs
every Dew Drop that glistens in the early moRniNg sun
my love for you will always be seen
For every woRd I write aNd every soNg I siNg,
I pray that you will fiNd my love brush against your cheek
in a sweet summer breeze, every sparkle across a snow covered peak
I will always be there to show you how much you mean to me
A moonshine away wHeN you have fallen fast asleep
aNd dReAm of flyiNg on Butterfly wiNgs
I will always be there to love you to show you within a MotHeRs dReAm

8x8 scrapbook aRt Piece
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR Nature
'2010 copyrights of poeticgarden.com

eBay Item NuMber: 300470704011

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lil' tReAsuRes

iNspiRed by the faiRies, MotHeR NatuRe aNd Higher Powers above
Poeitc GaRdeN cReAtes Limited Addition exclusive HaNdMade Lil' tReAsuRes that you see on the 'ooak' Scrapbook aRt WoRk.
fRoM faiRy StoNes, Glass Baubles, miNiatuRe Brown Paper Packages, Letters aNd tiNy tEa Bags, the ideas aRe eNdless to what you can use these adoRable eMbellishMeNts for.
HaNdMade by Poetic GaRdeN aNd gReAtdaNegeR.
A few of these special tReAsuRes aRe available on eBay for a liMited tiMe aNd soMe aRe kept exclusively for the 'ooak' aRt WoRk.
eNjoy the gifts in the gaRdeN aNd be iNspiRed to dReAm
within your own cReAtive soul.

Blessed Be fRoM the 'hobbit house' of poeticgarden.com

Sunday, September 12, 2010

deSigN #139 'faiRy tEa GaRdeN' SOLD

In a gaRdeN filled with beauty coMes a tEa House filled with memories
sHaRiNg tiMes with fRieNds aNd talkiNg of tiMes of old
RemiNisciNg of the past aNd receiving soulful gifts to cherish aNd to hold
sHaRiNg tEa with faiRies aNd chattiNg with the flowers.
In my gaRdeN of BlessiNgs, I sit aNd dReAm for hours.
A place of peace aNd woNdeR filled with magic that oNly the heart can see.
A gaRdeN filled with iNspiRatioN, a special place to be.
A gaRdeN built for faiRy fRieNds aNd a special place to dReAm

8x8 scrapbook aRt Piece
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR Nature
'2010 copyrights of poeticgarden.com

eBay Item Number: 300467463894

Sunday, September 5, 2010

LiMted Addition 'ooak' Fall faiRy StoNes

a gift of inspiration a tiNy bit of hope a place of woNdeR
a sPaRk of mAgiC for the Soul
tReAsuRes left unseen, tRiNkets nestled aMoNgst the forest floor
the faiRies took me to a place I remember a place I have been before
VisioNs and iMages kept within my dReAms a place within my heart I have seen
never to forget or part from what I know
an oRdiNaRy Miracle a seed of wiSdoM I will always have
for what my gRaNdMotHeR taught me and what I will forever hold
faiRy StoNes left behind a gift to me was left to fiNd
as a reMiNdeR of what my heart can see
a glimpse of the wiNgs she has given to me

*Poetic GaRdeNs LiMited Addition 'ooak' Fall faiRy StoNes aRe now available on eBay. You can type in (Item Number: 300465241159)
on eBay to view 'wHiMsiCal' Scrapbook eMbellishMeNts

'2010 copyrights of poeticgarden.com

Saturday, September 4, 2010

deSigN 138 'faiRy Wishes' SOLD

Summers eNd bRiNgs to life a new begiNiNg of Fall with plentiful haRvest to sHaRe with all. If you look deep into the forest you will fiNd faiRies collectiNg acorns, twigs aNd piNe coNes of pleNty.
An eNcHaNted place to discover if you allow your soul to see, the beauty that MotHeR NatuRe gives to us, every cHaNgiNg of the new season.
Sugar Coated Berries aNd Maple Leaves buRstiNg with colors of the sun, oRaNge, Red aNd Yellow, the dReAmiNg has just begun.
A visit to Pixie Hollow where the exciteMeNt is all around, smell of cinnamon aNd Butter cReAm Vanilla in the air, magical lil' tRiNkets to be fouNd.
Pixie Dust of pleNty scattered fRoM tree to tree, faiRy blessiNgs of new wishes if you oNly just believe...
Acorn Summet you will fiNd amber jewels of stoNes that glisten in the fall sunlight, yellow crystal tipped sunflowers that blow in the wiNd, ruby colored petals nestled amongst dainty Blue Rose Petals.
An endless color of life is cHaNgiNg, the beauty of seasonal growth is just begiNiNg
Butterflies buRstiNg with chocolate jeweled tipped wiNgs, sparrows dRapiNg ribbon fRoM every tree top to leaf.
A secret is buRstiNg aNd the magic of fall is here, open your soul to eNdless eNcHaNtMeNt, wrap yourself in beauty aNd look to see whats in store. The gift that MotHeR NatuRe bRiNgs us all, leaviNg our hearts waNtiNg moRe...

8x8 scrapbook aRt Piece
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR Nature
"tHaNk You" to Jean Scott
fRoM artfire.com/users/LadyHawk
for the woNdeRful aNd eNcHaNtiNg jewels
'2010 copyrights of poeticgarden.com

eBay Item Number: 300463982434

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

deSigN #137 'EncHaNted faiRy' SOLD

Gifts aRe truly eNdless with what MotHeR NatuRe gives to us. Beauty appears before our eyes aNd we begin to surrender to the peace that feels our soul
Truly huMbled by what is given aNd the ability to embrace, capture aNd to hold
Not to forsaken what we have, silencing the miNd aNd allowing the heart to feel slowly beginning to see what is real... Peace, Grace, Elegance aNd Spiritual Enlightenment
MotHeR NatuRe will hold you in her aRms aNd wrap her wiNgs aRouNd you wHeN you feel aloNe, her presence aNd the geNtle wHispeRs, she will show you how much she loves you
Look deep into NatuRe aNd tHeN you will uNdeRstaNd eveRytHiNg better
You will begin to see tHiNgs in a way you have never seen before
Petals will show their liNes of tiMe aNd bRaNches will extend their protection
A woRld of eNcHaNtmeNt will appear, beauty that is so often forgotten
Dragonflies will teach you how to soar as Butterflies will kiss you with their wiNgs
faiRies will emerge aNd the flowers will begin to siNg
Jewels of Dew Drops will glisten even by the glow of the pale moonlight aNd the sun will rise at dawn providiNg paths of light
MotHeR NatuRe will show us how to see, to uNdeRstaNd if we just believe...

8x8 scrapbook aRt Piece
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR Nature
"tHaNk You" to Jean Scott
fRoM artfire.com/users/LadyHawk
for the woNdeRful aNd eNcHaNtiNg jewels
'2010 copyrights of poeticgarden.com

eBay Item Number: 300462836177