Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MotHeRs Prayer Box

MotHeRs 'faiRytaLe' Keepsake Prayer Box to hold precious meMoRies, photos aNd lil' dReAm notes
soNg iNspiRatioN 'Loved By the Sun' by Jon Anderson/Tangerine Dream

A cReAtioN that will tRuly staNd tHe test of tiMe, of puttiNg back all tHe pieces of my heart within this life of miNe.
A Box like no otHeR but looks just tHe saMe,
of a MotHeRs peRsoNal Prayer Box iN a differeNt soRt of way.
HoldiNg all of life's lil' wishes aNd waNtiNg just tHe saMe. Each piece may not be written nor may neVer be shown tHe saMe, of a Prayer to her HeaVeNly FatHeR
of all her childhood dReAms
PuttiNg doWn iN paper tucked within her heart, nestled iN a faiRytale gaRdeN,
a stoRybook fRoM staRt...
of tHe {loVe} she holds aNd cherishes to keep her flock iN tough. PlaciNg doWn tHe meMoRies of all that she {weeps aNd sows} to eNsuRe a path of knowledge for tHeM to haVe iN life
fRoM a MotHeR to her Children, she wRites her prayers iNside

{Every MotHeR has a 'Story Book', a place for her to dReAm.
A place wHeRe faiRies can fLy like aNgels Dressed~up iN Butterfly wiNgs}

fRoM tHe Life's JourNey collection
Dedicated to my HeaVeNly FatHeR
'2011' copyrights of Poeticgarden.com

*aRchiVed Piece DoNated


At January 11, 2013 at 11:53 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Do you sell your work? If you do how do I buy it? Thanks so much, Michelle

At January 11, 2013 at 11:54 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Do you sell your work? If so how does someone purchase it? Thanks so much, Michelle

At July 17, 2013 at 9:24 PM , Blogger Poeticgarden.com said...

Michelle, I doN't often check my oRigiNal cRaft blog heRe, my apologizes oN tHe delay iN respoNdiNg. I sell my oRigiNal aRt WoRk on ebay uNder 'poeticgarden' or by special orders. I post new cReAtioNs oN my main aRt blog aNd pRoVide liNks to puRcHase at: pggardens.blogspot.com aNd you're also welcome to coNtact at: katie@poeticgarden.com ~Blessed Be fRoM my gaRdeN to yours


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