design #131 'A Mothers Love' SOLD
A MotHeRs Love is Priceless a gift you cannot buy, the sacrifices that a MotHeR will give in oRdeR to teach her Child to fly. WoRds may go uNspokeN but a geNtle touch is said, tHat a MotHeRs Love is sileNtly spoKeN within her heart that she will foReveR give. The love she has for her child will coNtiNue to gRow tHrougH life, the boNd tHat ties the heart together will soar tHrougH eNdless skies. ReachiNg every tree top, every bRaNch that sways in the wiNd is a geNtle reMiNder of a MotHeRs Love that oNly the soul feels fRom witHiN. Every Dew Drop upon a petal is a tear of joy she shows of how much she loves her child in eveRytHiNg tHat gRows.
A MotHeRs Love is Priceless a gift you cannot buy, the sacrifices that a MotHeR will give in oRdeR to teach her Child to fly.
faiRy Inspirational Poetry by Katie of Poetic GaRdeN
This ElegeNt 'ooak' 12x12 page of aRt WoRk was delicately dReAMt up by Poetic GaRdeNs "DT" Member Stacey~ fRom 'gReAtdaNegeR'
Her aMaziNg taleNts aNd atteNtioN to detail tells a stoRy of the 'peaceful love' between a Mother aNd her child. UsiNg intricate details aNd aMaziNg cRaftsMaNship as she gRaces this page with quality eMbellishMeNts aNd Beautiful Vintage Pieces that feels the heart with tiMeless MeMoRies.
eBay Item Number: 300451015793
'2010 copyrights of