Wednesday, July 28, 2010

design #131 'A Mothers Love' SOLD

A MotHeRs Love is Priceless a gift you cannot buy, the sacrifices that a MotHeR will give in oRdeR to teach her Child to fly. WoRds may go uNspokeN but a geNtle touch is said, tHat a MotHeRs Love is sileNtly spoKeN within her heart that she will foReveR give. The love she has for her child will coNtiNue to gRow tHrougH life, the boNd tHat ties the heart together will soar tHrougH eNdless skies. ReachiNg every tree top, every bRaNch that sways in the wiNd is a geNtle reMiNder of a MotHeRs Love that oNly the soul feels fRom witHiN. Every Dew Drop upon a petal is a tear of joy she shows of how much she loves her child in eveRytHiNg tHat gRows.
A MotHeRs Love is Priceless a gift you cannot buy, the sacrifices that a MotHeR will give in oRdeR to teach her Child to fly.

faiRy Inspirational Poetry by Katie of Poetic GaRdeN

This ElegeNt 'ooak' 12x12 page of aRt WoRk was delicately dReAMt up by Poetic GaRdeNs "DT" Member Stacey~ fRom 'gReAtdaNegeR'
Her aMaziNg taleNts aNd atteNtioN to detail tells a stoRy of the 'peaceful love' between a Mother aNd her child. UsiNg intricate details aNd aMaziNg cRaftsMaNship as she gRaces this page with quality eMbellishMeNts aNd Beautiful Vintage Pieces that feels the heart with tiMeless MeMoRies.

eBay Item Number: 300451015793
'2010 copyrights of

Friday, July 23, 2010

NEW 'ooak' faiRy StoNes

a gift of inspiration a tiNy bit of hope a place of wONdeR
a sPaRk of mAgiC for the Soul
tReAsuRes left unseen, tRiNkets nestled aMoNgst the forest floor
the faiRies took me to a place I remember a place I have been before
viSioNs and iMageS kept within my dReAms a place within my heArt I have seen
never to forget or part from what I know
an oRdiNaRy Miracle a seed of wiSdoM I will always have
for what my gRaNdMotHeR taught me and what I will forever hold
faiRy StoNes left behind a gift to me was left to fiNd
as a reMinDeR of what my heArt can see a glimps of the wiNgs she has given to me

Introducing a NEW line of faiRy StoNes now available on eBay uNdeR 'poeticgarden' (ebay listiNg #300449150566 to help you locate easier aNd you can view otHeRs too)
'2010 Copyrights and Vision of
Dedicated to my gRaNdMotHeR, my Children and my faiRies

Monday, July 19, 2010

deSigN #130 'A faiRies DaydReAm' SOLD

Have you ever woNdeR wHat it would be like to DaydReAm with a faiRy for a moMeNt in tiMe
to tRavel to places yet discovered the fiRst tiMe to touch soMetHiNg that has never been felt befoRe
wHat would your heArt feel, wHat would your soul see
a peRfect blue sky that paiNts across the heAveNs aNd falls upon the eaRth with it's gRace touchiNg every bReAth of life, eveRy petal that delicately sways in the wiNd
the sweet scent of nectar aNd dew dRops that glisten in the sun like delicate layers of glass
a jouRney that is so MagiCal that it would take your bReAth aWay aNd leave you huMbled for the opportunity that the faiRies gave you the expeRieNce of a journey in tiMe of wHat it feels like to LIVE

Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR Nature
'2010 copyrights of

eBay item number: 300449135100

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

design #129~B 'faiRy aWaKeNiNg' Tear Bear SOLD

Poetic GaRdeNs "DT" aRtiSt Stacey cReAted an adoRable lil' faiRy Tear Bear featuring the wHiMsical meMoRies of summer. As this mAgiCal faiRy aWakeNs the gaRdeN with the touch of her jeweled miNiatuRe waNd aNd plays with her Butterfly fRieNd in the flower meadows of Pixie Hollow.
The beauty of MotHeR NatuRe comes to life with the detailed aNd vibRaNt colors of turquoise, raspberry piNk aNd dReAmy Butter Cream aNd cHocolate tiNy eMbelliShMeNts.

eBay Listing Number (coming soon)
'2010 copyrights of gReAtdaNegeR aNd

Saturday, July 10, 2010

design #129 'faiRy aWaKeNiNg' SOLD

a new day begiNs aNd life reappears as it takes on a new serene beauty
a flower petal yAwNs as it opeNs it's self to the rays of the deep foReSt sun
spRiNg begiNs to fade into the sHadoWs and a richness of color emerges
as the birth of summer bRiNgs wArMth upon the soul
a lil' precious faiRy 'beiNg' is boRn into the graces of Mother EaRth
life as we know it is surrendered into the beauty that lies witHiN our spiRit
a precious gift unfolds so quietly a new miRacle bRiNgs to life a new aWakeNiNg tHat we so often foRget to believe in.

eBay item number: 300445503988

Dedicate to my Children, gaRdeN faiRies
and 'eNteRtaiNiNg aNgels uNaWaRe'
'2010 copyrights of (baby image of precious Cassidy)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Poetic Garden faiRy StoNes

a gift of inspiration a tiNy bit of hope a place of wONdeR
a sPaRk of mAgiC for the Soul
tReAsuRes left unseen, tRiNkets nestled aMoNgst the forest floor
the faiRies took me to a place I remember a place I have been before
viSioNs and iMageS kept within my dReAms a place within my heArt I have seen
never to forget or part from what I know
an oRdiNaRy Miracle a seed of wiSdoM I will always have
for what my gRaNdMotHeR taught me and what I will forever hold
faiRy StoNes left behind a gift to me was left to fiNd
as a reMinDeR of what my heArt can see a glimps of the wiNgs she has given to me

Introducing a NEW line of faiRy StoNes now available on eBay uNdeR 'poeticgarden'
'2010 Copyrights and Vision of
Dedicated to my gRaNdMotHeR, my Children and my faiRies

Sunday, July 4, 2010

design #128~B 'Vintage faiRy Memories' Tear Bear SOLD

Poetic Gardens DT aRtist Greatdaneger
has cReAted an exclusive faiRy Tear Bear that features
Special Memories of Old in cased in a Copper Handmade Frame
this faiRy briNgs to life the iMpoRtaNce of learning from the past
and cHeRiShiNg each mAgiCal moment that life can bRiNg

eBay Listing# 300443781619

'2010 copyrights of

Saturday, July 3, 2010

design #128 Vintage faiRy Memories SOLD

as she cRadled me in her arms, holding me ever so tightly
I could feel her heArt beat upon my cheek and the warm teNdeR woRds spoken so softly as they fell upon my tiNy forehead a quite geNtle voice, reading stoRies of old and teaching me the importance to dReAm watching her fragile hands touch the corners, careful not to crease each page
as my eyes gazed across images and colors that would leave an imprint upon my soul
dRiftiNg in and out of sleep as my mind woNdeRed through mAgiCal places unseen
never waNtiNg to leave her side, I nestled myself beneath her wiNgs
feeling the waRmth of my gRaNdMotHeRs love...

Dedicated to my gRaNdMotHeR, my Children, my faiRies
and 'entertaining angels unaware'

'2010 copyrights or

eBay Listing: 300443426603

Thursday, July 1, 2010

lil' faiRy BlessiNgs SOLD

a tiNy bit of inspiration was born a geNtle lil 'being'
as she came into this woRld one day a mAgiCal sight unseen
a baby like all others most would tend to agree
but what was not noticed was her precious lil' wiNgs
born from an enchanted gArDeN a place unlike any other
where dReAms and hopes come alive filling the soul with woNdeR
a special gift was given as she was kissed upon her soul
for the faiRies had come to bless her and give her wiNgs to fly
a beauty that is not often believed in a story not often told
an inspiration to all that when a lil 'being' is born you mustn't
forget what lies within in a baby faiRies soul

Item number: 300441762893

Dedicated to faiRies, lil Baby Cassidy
my children and 'entertaining angels unaware'
'2010 copyrights of