Tuesday, June 29, 2010

design #127 Neverberry Thicket faiRy dReAmS SOLD

oh the places you can go and the many places to see
if you but open your heArt and let the vision be
spread your wiNgs and dReAm a lil' dReAm in a woRld far away
Neverberry Thicket in Pixie Hollow is a place to sit and stay
Willow Baskets overflow with floWeRs as dRaGonflies dance with you for hours
a taRt sMell of Scrumptious Berries grow beneath the oaks
faiRy friends sit on toad stools and read stories of old
a wHimSicAl enchanted forest nestled within a mAgiCal place
if only you open your heArt to see
you must trust within yourself in order to fly with wiNgs
and dReAm and see what could possibly be
come fly aWay and dReAm a lil' dReAm

eBay Item #300442367407
DT aRtist Greatdaneger
Proprietor Visionary aRtist Katie of Poeticgarden.com '2010

Bauble Contest Winner

Scrapbook Artist Erin States is Baubles From gRaNnies Attic Winner!

using the "ooak" Curly Q Bauble Set in her adorable scrapbook layouts
Fresh Color Pallets from Earth tones to Pixie Hollows Pink Cherry Blossoms completes a perfect look for any gArDeN scene. Adorned with 3D Jeweled Butterflies, Gingham Flowers and Jeweled details makes this layout a perfect place to add our exclusive BaUbles.
Erin's talent doesn't just stop in the gArDeN, she takes a Retro Style approach to a 'yummy' craft idea into the Kitchen. cReatiNg fun Recipe Cards with matching Inserts making this a perfect gift for that cReAtive Baker.

Congratulations to Erin and her talents in dReAmiNg up NEW ideas using Baubles From gRaNnies Attic Enjoy the Memories with your 5 NEW 'ooak' sets Erin!

View more of Erins kRafty ideas under 'memorable*delights' on eBay
Her adorable Retro style Recipe Scrapbooks come in 2 other scrumptious colors
ebay item #'s: 320545621038 and 220619154912

'2010 poeticgarden.com

Monday, June 28, 2010

design #126 faiRy Blossom Delight SOLD

come fly away high above the tree tops where the faiRies fly all day
come away with me and dReAm of a place far far away
blossoms as big as candied apples as far as the eyes can see
come dReAm a little dReAm and fly away with me...

Dedicated to my Children
my faiRies and 'entertaining angels unaware'
'2010 copyrights of Poeticgarden.com

eBay item # 300441762893

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

design #125 ACEO Baby faiRy Card SOLD

a tiNy hope of WoNdeR that her gRaNdMotHeR left behind
nestled in her special keepsake box was a precious gift to find
a gentle reminder that there are MaGiCaL little 'beings'
that provide us with such WisDoM to unfold
if we but do not stop believing of what we have been told...
to never stop dReAmiNg for it is a precious miracle in life

Dedicated to my children, faiRy friends and 'entertaining angels unaware'

Art Cards Editions and Originals ~ collectible little pieces of art
ACEO '2010 copyrights of Poeticgarden.com

eBay item# 300440348468

Friday, June 18, 2010

design #124 Sugar Coated faiRy gArDeN SOLD

come Dream a little Dream and fly away with me
to a mAgiCal gArDeN where the faiRies play all day amongst sCeNtEd vanilla trees
with Candy Coated Berries, come see what I can see
Pink sugared Ladybugs dance on Cotton Candy Flowers
Blue Taffy Jeweled Butterflies that will fly with you for hours
a place filled with WoNdEr that only the heart can see
come Dream a little Dream and play in a gArDeN with me

Completed Details and eBay Item Number: 300438927599

design #123 GraNdmas faiRy GaRdeN SOLD

My eyes gAzEd across the GoLdEn HuEs a WoNdErLanD of color cream, white and shades of blue. Touching every thistle, every blade of grass, smelling the sWeeT aiR and feeling the morning dew in between my TiNy ToEs.
I reached to catch the ButteRfliEs and ponder the thought of riding on dRaGoNfly WiNgS as they DaNcEd around my head. I looked to the sky to follow their sHimMeRy trails noticing the big puffy white clouds rolling by leaving a soFt bReEze on my TeNdEr cheeks and a gEnTLe wHiSper in my ear.
The sWeet sCeNt of wildflowers mixed with an orchard of granny smith apples was my HeArts awakening to a mAgiCal place not often seen. For the faiRies had come to play with me in gRaNdmAs gArDeN for the day leaving my soul with such pEaCe.

dedicated to my faiRies and 'entertaining angels unaware'

Complete details and ebay item number: 300438903772
artwork by Poeticgarden.com

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

design #122 Family SOLD

this Lunch Box Scrapbook is a wHimSiCaL and adorable way to display cHeRiShEd MeMoRiEs of our FaMiLy. A Special Order for a sPeCiAl fRiEnD indeed.
I had been through a lot of transitions in such a short period in my life recently and one of my dEaR fRiEnDs gave me an opportunity to recenter myself with my own children and allow myself the courage to feel again. I use to create quite a few FaMiLy scrapbooks but as my life changed so did my feelings in my heart and found myself turning away from this particular theme. Not wanting to cReAte what my hEaRt was aching for, my Children. My BeAuTiFuL Daughter and my HaNdSoMe Son. To my sPeCiAl fRiEnD, "THANK YOU" for helping me FEEL and GROW.

Friday, June 4, 2010

design #120 'Special Friend' SOLD

'Letters Are Visits When Friends Are Apart'

Everyone has that 'Special Friend'
that deserves the time to let them know
how special they are
A lil' 6x6 Scrapbook Page to feature
June as Poetic Gardens Letter Writing Month

Inspired by one of the theme gardens
found in Pixie Hollow
named 'Neverberry Thicket'
is a perfect place to
sit down and take the time to write a letter
to someone that means a lot to you

Adorable Miniature Brown Paper Packages Tied up with String
Vintage Post Card with Tiny Handcrafted Postage Stamps
Glass Bottle of Dew Drops for a Whimsical faiRy touch
Sage Green Hydrangeas with Vintage Roses
Aged and Distressed Peonies with Cream Berry Sprigs
Three Layers of Embellishments with 'ooak'
Baubles From Grannies Attic
Completes this adorable Photo Keepsake
and a perfect gift to that Special Friend

for additional details view
ebay listing #250645126219
under BaublesFromGranniesAttic