Sunday, November 28, 2010

Favorite tHiNgs

A few of my favorite tHiNgs that I eNjoy usiNg on my aRt Pieces aRe various stoNes aNd jewels by

Jean at

She takes the tiMe to haNd pick tiNy stoNes that provide a perfect touch to aNy cReAtioN.
Her variety of pieces aRe all viNtage which makes addiNg to my aRt WoRk extra special
fRoM Faceted Glass Pieces, Genuine Gem StoNes to Czech Crystal Jewels, the ideas aRe siMple endless on what you can dReAm up. Thank You, Jean for helping me make my gaRdeN sparkle, I know the faiRies appreciate it too.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

deSigN #149 'Snow faiRy' SOLD

Snow capped butterflies left warm kisses upon her cheeks aWakeNiNg her soul to a new morn. A gift of white beauty emerged before her eyes blessing her with the cHaNgiNg of the season. Crystal Snowflakes shimmer on the tips of Iceberg Rose Petals while sparrows sang to her with the warmth of their voices announcing that MotHeR NatuRe had brought her a Gift of wiNter dReAms

8x8 'ooak' Scrapbook aRt WoRk
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR NatuRe
'2010' copyrights of
eBay Item NuMbeR: (300498950552)

Friday, November 19, 2010

deSigN #101 'Life's JourNey' Archival Release SOLD

fRoM the aRcHives for the Holiday Season
Poetic GaRdeNs deSgiN #101 'Life's JourNey'

The very fiRst 'ooak' 8x8 coMplete Scrapbook Layout ever made
fRoM the eNtiRe collection aNd will no loNger be available for release

Fits in 8x8 page protectors or Shadow Box aNd holds two photo keepsakes
aloNg with two large jourNaliNg tags

8x8 'ooak' Scrapbook aRt WoRk
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR NatuRe
'2010' copyrights of
eBay Item NuMbeR: (300495118410)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New LiMited Edition faiRy StoNes

a gift of inspiration a tiNy bit of hope a place of woNdeR
a sPaRk of mAgiC for the Soul
tReAsuRes left unseen, tRiNkets nestled aMoNgst the forest floor
the faiRies took me to a place I remember a place I have been before
VisioNs and iMages kept within my dReAms a place within my heart I have seen
never to forget or part from what I know
an oRdiNaRy Miracle a seed of wiSdoM I will always have
for what my gRaNdMotHeR taught me and what I will forever hold
faiRy StoNes left behind a gift to me was left to fiNd
as a reMiNdeR of what my heart can see
a glimpse of the wiNgs she has given to me

*Poetic GaRdeNs LiMited Edition faiRy StoNes
aRe now available on eBay.
View Item NuMbeR: (300494432965) aNd maNy more
to discover these 'wHiMsiCal' Scrapbook eMbellishMeNts

deSigN #148 'Inner Beauty' SOLD

There is a place I often go that feeds my soul with peace. Where my thoughts aRe cHeRisHed aNd preserved that oNly my heart can see. A place where I can discover gifts that aRe nestled within the trees, an eNcHaNted aNd special place that means the world to me.
Where my taleNts aRe paiNted on Dew Drops aNd my goals aRe written on dReAms.
A secret place that is so often felt yet rarely ever seen.
Nurtured in tiMes speNt in a gaRdeN aNd grown with love for me,
a magical place I often go that lives inside of me. A place that is kept aNd rarely seen. Within my spirit lives a precious jewel which I like to call my 'Inner Beauty'

8x8 'ooak' Scrapbook aRt WoRk
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR NatuRe
'2010' copyrights of
eBay Item NuMbeR: (300494137370)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

deSigN #147 'Pure in Heart' SOLD

Simon Dewey, born in London, England is well known for cReAtiNg beautiful aNd uplifting images, including those of the Savior, His Life, aNd His Ministry.

Blessed aRe the pure in heart: for they shall see God. ~Mathew 5:8

We know that throughout Christ's ministry He took the tiMe to be with children. Beyond those that were recorded, I am sure there were maNy other teNder moMeNts where these little oNes were blessed by His attention. What impact did these precious interactions have on these impressionable souls?
The siMple gift of a haNdful of flowers fRoM the untainted soul of a child would surely be accepted by the Savior with the love aNd kindness that we have all felt fRoM Him. He was drawn to the children for their innocence, purity, aNd the promise of a beautiful life yet to be lived;
He asked us to be like tHeM again. It is my hope that we can fiNd daily reMiNdeRs to help us to be as a little child bRiNgiNg Him the siMple gift of a pure life, for that is all He asks. ~Simon Dewey

I have traveled aloNg a jourNey in my life that has given me the opportunity to love myself in ways I could never iMagiNe. To recognize my 'Inner Child' aNd heal parts of my spirit that leave me huMbled aNd in Peace.
I stuMbled upon this image that Simon Dewey created aNd knew at soMe poiNt in my life that there would be a moMeNt that this aRt Work of his would impact me aNd leave me waNtiNg to learn moRe.
What I discovered wHeN gazing into the image was that I had forgotten about certain parts of my soul. Areas of my childhood that I forgot to see that aRe beautiful. I was gently reMiNded that I had not been forgotten aNd wasN't aloNe in my journey aNd it was tiMe to heal fRoM within, grow aNd spread my wiNgs.
There is soMetHiNg to be said to Simon's words... "It is my hope that we can fiNd daily reMiNdeRs to help us to be as a little child bRiNgiNg Him the siMple gift of pure life, for that is all He asks."
A 'Key Part' of who I forgot aNd what I desire in my life... to love all of me including that of my childhood. To sHaRe with others what I am learning aNd what bRiNgs me peace. ~Blessed Be

8x8 'ooak' Scrapbook aRt WoRk
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR NatuRe
'2010' copyrights of
eBay Item NuMbeR: (300491876043)