deSigN #150 'cHeRisH' SOLD
As I grow aNd discover new tHiNgs on my jourNey. I'm realizing that I am developing a seNse to be closer to Jesus Christ. FiNdiNg peace aNd coMfoRt in what I am learning aNd how it can be applied towards my personal life.
Having a seNse of what I will cReAte fRoM oNe aRt Piece to the next, i'm drawn to makiNg pieces that bRiNg to full circle what I am feeliNg compelled to do aNd to express through my aRt of how beautiful self discovery can be.
I knew I waNted to sHaRe my gratitude aNd tHaNks to what Christ has given to me thus far, in the process realizing that I am beiNg taught lessons at the saMe tiMe.
As I began to put the color pallet together, I had no idea what was to be expressed or written. I knew I waNted to use the 'Cherish' eMbellisHmeNt symbolizing all the tHiNgs that bRiNg me peace. My Children, my faiRies, MotHeR NatuRe, those who watch over me aNd the new relationship I am developing with Christ.
I stuMbled upon a scripture recently Romans 15:4
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. KiNg JaMes Version
Simplified tRaNslatioN:
For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope
When I read this scripture, the woRd eNduRaNce stood out aNd realized that as with growth coMes cHaNge aNd it may not be easy. But if I eNduRe aNd stick to my belief of what bRiNgs me peace aNd coMfoRt on my jourNey, tHeN not oNly will I be loving myself sincerely but have Hope that oNe day what I cReAte will bRiNg peace
GiviNg of our taleNts means that we caRe not of success or wealth but rather give tHaNks to those who iNspiRe us to achieve. ~written by
8x8 'ooak' Scrapbook aRt WoRk
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR NatuRe
'2010' copyrights of
eBay Item NuMbeR: (300504718193)